If you’re sure that PIP has been installed, then go to the last section to know the fix. If the command prompt tells you that “‘pip’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file”, it is either not installed or its system variable path hasn’t been set. To do so, press Start, type cmd, then click on Run as administrator. To check if that is the case, first, open an elevated instance of the Command Prompt. That means it’s possible that you most probably have PIP already installed. Related: Windows 11 Shortcuts: Our Complete List How to check if PIP is already installedĪs mentioned, PIP is so important for Python that it has been included with the Python installer since Python version 3.4 (for Python 3) and Python version 2.7.9 (for Python 2). As such, a wide variety of applications use PIP to install binary packages, which is one of the reasons for its widespread fame. Through PIP, you can install and manage packages that contain some features that are not available in the standard Python library.

PIP (or Preferred installer program) is a tool that enables third-party package installations and is the standard package manager for Python.